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Scientix Lesson plan

Title: Aggregation states of water                        

Author: Angela Rotaru

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         - Science - Aggregation states of water
         - Geography - Water on Terra
         - Technology - Kahoot - Water circuit in nature
         - Mathematics - Water volume - Practical exercises for measuring the volume of water
Aim of the lesson
Describe in 1-2 sentences what you would like to achieve with your students by the end of the lesson.
Students will learn about water sources on the Earth, will make experiences to observe:
- passing water in liquid state in a solid state and vice versa;
- passage of water from the liquid state to the gaseous state and vice versa;
- changing the volume of water as it moves from a state of aggregation to another state;
Age of students
10-11 years
Preparation time: 3 hours
Teaching time: 50  minutes

Teaching material
Online:   - Paxi- a water circuit in nature
List here all the offline tools, such as: tubes, water, ice, cooking machine, electronic scales, glass and plastic containers, ice packs, colored paper, colored pencils, markers, magnetic board, laptop, videoprojector, telephones,

21st century skills
Add here how the lesson plan corresponds to 21st century skills. To find out more:
In the framework of the activity, I aimed to develop at the students:
  - learning and innovation skills
  - creativity and innovation
  - critical thinking and problem solving
  - communication
  - collaboration
 - make effective use of information, the media and technology.

Lesson Plan.

Name of activity
1. Organizational Moment
              I together with the chemistry teacher prepare the materials for the lesson and organize the group of students on 4 working groups (7 pupils in each group)
3 minutes
2. Capturing the attention
Students find the answer to riddles:
·         I take the shape of the bowl you put me in
I do not taste, smell, color?
·         Who in the world always makes his way
Only where is the valley?
Students will watch the film – Paxi- The Water Circuit in Nature

5 minutes
3. Announcement of the theme     
Aggregation states of water
1 minutes
4. Experience-Based Learning

Students are divided into 4 groups:

Group 1- Curious
Students measure 100 ml of water they put in a test tube. This is put on the flame cooking machine for 10 minutes. During this time the pupils watch what happens with the water in the bowl. They observe the boiling and evaporation phenomenon. Note what they saw on a sheet. It finally measures the amount of remaining water. Calculates the difference between the amount of water at the beginning in the pot and the remaining amount.
 Presents in front of all colleagues the phenomenon observed and the calculations explaining what happened with the water that disappeared from the vessel. I define with the teacher the phenomenon of evaporation.

Group 2 Researchers
Students weigh three cubes of ice. I put them in a pot on the cooking machine for 7 minutes. During this time they follow and write on a sheet that happens with ice. Measures the amount of water from melting ice.
  Presents the comments made to all colleagues. They define with the teacher the melting phenomenon.

Group 3 Contributors
Students measure 100 ml of water. They put the water in a container covered with a flame cover from the cooking machine. Let the water boil on the big flame. The teacher will take the lid after 5 minutes and put it in another pot. Repeat the operation 4-6 times. Students write what happened, how the water came from the first pot in the second container.
They present their comments to colleagues and define the phenomenon of condensation with the help of the teacher.

Groups 4 Presentations
The pupils put 250 ml of water in special ice bags, 250 ml of water in a      plastic container and 250 ml in a 250 ml glass bottle the day before the start of the activity and put them in the freezer of the room of the school's food. At the beginning of the activity, bring the recipients and the students make observations:
- what happened with the water in the special bags
- what happened to the water in the plastic container and what happened to the container;
 - what happened to the water in the glass container, but with the glass container;
They find that water increases its volume by freezing. I define the phenomenon of frost.
A team representative presents to all colleagues the observed phenomenon.

10 minutes experience +5 minutes presentation

10 minutes experience +5 minutes presentation

10 minutes experience +5 minutes presentation

10 minutes experience +5 minutes presentation
   I write on the blackboard the title of the lesson and the definitions of aggregation states through which the water passes into nature: evaporation, condensation, freezing and melting. Students write on the notebook.
 Students will explain why water is important to people, animals and plants, and how we can keep clean water and how we can save water.
Students will communicate what they liked and what they did not like about group activities today.
7 minutes

I created Kahoot a 6-question test that students will answer using personal phones.
Q1: What is the state of water in nature?
30 sec
only a liquid
This is a bad answer
a solid one
This is a bad answer
a liquid, solid and gaseous.
This is a correct answer
only in gaseous state.
This is a bad answer

Q2: What is the phenomenon of solids in the liquid state?
20 sec
This is a correct answer
This is a bad answer
This is a bad answer
This is a bad answer
 Q3: The passage of liquid water into a gaseous state is called ....
30 sec
This is a bad answer
This is a correct answer
This is a bad answer
This is a bad answer

Q4: Water flowing from liquid gaseous is called .....
30 sec
• evaporation
This is a bad answer
• melting
This is a bad answer
• condensation
This is a correct answer
• solidification
• Q5: What is the name of the water course in nature?
30 sec
a route
This is a bad answer
a reflux
This is a bad answer
a water circuit in nature
This is a correct answer
a trough
This is a bad answer
Q6: How should drinking water be good?
30 sec
• cloudy
This is a bad answer
• blue
This is a bad answer
• with smell
This is a bad answer
• tasteless, odorless, transparent
This is a correct answer
Student feedback
Students will draw a drawing with the water circuit in nature.
I will analyze the activity, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson.
About Scientix
Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.If you need more information, check the Scientix portal, or contact either the Scientix National Contact Point or Scientix Ambassadors in your country.


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PROIECTAREA DIDACTICĂ Modelul CECERE (Joiţa , 2005) Etape: 1. Crearea Contextului adecvat: asigurarea resurselor informaţionale, a materialelor-suport, a instrumentelor necesare construcţiei, precizarea obiectivelor si a sarcinilor, a organizării, a metodologiei, a modurilor de relaţionare, a dificultăţilor şi restricţiilor, a criteriilor si modurilor de evaluare, reactualizarea cunoştinţelor anterioare, evidenţierea aşteptărilor, 2. Realizarea Explorării directe, a prelucrării primare a materialelor disponibile, în mod individual, în raport cu datele contextului precizat, după reactualizarea experienţei procedurale anterioare şi aplicarea metodelor de cunoaştere ştiinţifică, cu sprijin, cu conştientizarea restricţiilor şi obstacolelor, 3. Colaborarea în perechi sau în grup mic şi apoi la nivelul clasei, pentru analiza critică şi comparativă a rezultatelor proprii, dezbaterea, negocierea, stabilirea unor sensuri comune în temă, comunicarea rezultatelor generalizate, corectarea ero